16 |
Refused to cooperate with Child Support Enforcement.
Enter the 6-digit date of noncooperation in REMARKS.
(Adult-Only TANF Cash)
You refused to cooperate with Child Support requirements on ___________. PM 24-01 |
50 |
Failed to cooperate with medical support rights.
(FamilyCare Assist and Adult-Only RRA Medical)
You failed to cooperate regarding medical support rights. PM 03-19
Usted falló en cooperar con relación a los derechos de apoyo médico.
56 |
Failed to cooperate in CSE process.
FCRC completes the notice.
(FamilyCare Assist)
Enter reason Child Support Sanction, (see WAG 24-04-04 for list of reasons and messages). PM 24-01 |
59 |
Did not verify financial management and paid living expenses exceed income and assets.
Enter the 6-digit date the verification was due in REMARKS.
You did not cooperate by _______ in verifying your financial management and your paid living expenses are more than your reported income and assets. PM 19-02 PM 02-07
Usted no cooperò antes del _____ en verificar sus gastos financieros y sus gastos de vida pagados son màs que sus ingresos y bienes reportados.
69 |
Failed to apply for unemployment benefits.
Enter the 6-digit date that the client had to apply by in REMARKS.
(Cash and Medical, except RRA)
Only cancel (TA 22) if the LMDD is 12 months or more.
You failed to apply for Unemployment Insurance Benefits by _______. PM 01-02
Usted no aplico por Beneficios de Compensacion de Desempleo antes del ___.
71 |
Failed to apply for other benefits that they might qualify for.
Enter the 6-digit date that the client had to apply by in REMARKS.
(Cash and Medical, except RRA)
Only cancel (TA 22) if the LMDD is 12 months or more.
You failed to apply for other benefits by ________ for which your unit may be eligible. PM 01-02
Usted no solicitó otros beneficios para los cuales su unidad pudiera ser elegible para el __________.
87 |
Did not return REDE report form.
Enter the 6-digit date that the client had to return their REDE report form by in REMARKS.
(TANF Cash, Family Assist, FamilyCare Assist, and All Kids Assist)
For Cash, only cancel (TA 22) if Adult-Only or if LMDD is 12 months or more.
For Family Assist, FCA, and AKA, only cancel (TA 22) if LMDD is 12 months or more.
You did not return your redetermination report form by _______. PM 19-02
Usted no devolvio su forma de reporte de determinacion nueva antes del _________.
88 |
Did not provide required verifications.
Enter the 6-digit date verifications were due in REMARKS.
(TANF Cash, Family Assist, FamilyCare Assist, and All Kids Assist)
For Cash, only cancel (TA 22) if Adult-Only or if LMDD is 12 months or more.
For Family Assist, FCA, and AKA, only cancel (TA 22) if LMDD is 12 months or more.
You did not provide necessary verifications by ________. PM 19-02
Usted no proveyo las verificaciones necesarias antes del _________.
89 |
Did not keep appointment to determine ongoing eligibility.
Enter the 6-digit date of the failed appointment in REMARKS.
(TANF Cash, Family Assist, FamilyCare Assist, and All Kids Assist)
For Cash, only cancel (TA 22) if Adult-Only or if LMDD is 12 months or more.
For Family Assist, FCA, and AKA, only cancel (TA 22) if LMDD is 12 months or more.
You did not keep your scheduled appointment on _______ that was needed to determine your continued eligibility. PM 19-02
No asistio a su cita fijada el ______ la cual era necesaria para determinar si su elegibilidad continua.
90 |
Unable to locate client in order to determine eligibility.
Enter the 6-digit date that the FCRC was unable to locate the client in REMARKS.
(Cash and Medical, except RRA)
As of ________ we have been unable to locate you and are unable to determine your continued eligibility. PM 01-02 PM 01-03
No hemos podido localizarle desde el ___ y no podemos determinar si su elegibilidad continua.
94 |
Requested cancellation due to objection to assignment of support rights.
(TANF Cash, Family Assist, and FamilyCare Assist)
Your case has been canceled at your request because of your objection to agency policy regarding assignment of your support rights. PM 03-19
Su caso se ha cancelado por su pedido debido a su objeción a las reglas de la agencia con respecto a sus derechos a mantenimiento.
95 |
Requested cancellation due to objection Child Support activity.
(TANF Cash Only)
Your case has been canceled at your request because of your objection to agency activity regarding support enforcement. PM 24-01
Su caso se ha cancelado por su pedido debido a su objeción a la actividad de la agencia con respecto al cumplimiento de mantenimiento.
96 |
SSN not provided or applied for.
Enter the 6-digit date by which the person had to comply in REMARKS.
(Cash and Medical)
You did not cooperate with social security number requirements by _____. PM 03-11
Usted no cumplio con los requisitos del nùmero del seguro social antes del ____.
M4 |
Citizenship and identity documentation requirement has not been met.
(Medical only-Adults only, not valid for children under age 19)
You did not provide proof of your identity or U.S. citizenship. PM 03-01
Usted no proveyó prueba de su identidad o ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. PM 03-01