Active Case - Assist, Moms and Babies, AABD Medical, QMB Only, SLIB Only, or QI-1 Only
At approval, a date that is 12 months from the month of approval is centrally entered. For active cases, Item 32 is centrally updated to a date that is 12 months from the date entered in Item 30.
Canceled Case - Family Health Spenddown or AABD Medical With a Spenddown
When it is necessary to change the spenddown status of a canceled case from unmet to met, enter the last month and year for which medical eligibility is being authorized. This is the last month and year of the enrollment period.
When you add a person to a canceled Medical case, enter the month and year of ending medical coverage. This date may not be later than the last month of the established 12-month period. The last day of the ending month is centrally entered.