27-15-00 Item 15: SNAP

Item 15, SNAP, describes if and how a unit receives SNAP benefits. Enter the correct Item 15 code to show SNAP participation.

NOTE: Do not authorize SNAP benefits for a client in an institution. This includes a person coded 12, 13, 14, or 15 in Item 20.

- Not participating in the SNAP Program.
1 Single SNAP unit authorized benefits via this Form 552. This includes Cash or Medical/SNAP units with non-SNAP unit members (e.g., students).
2 Multiple SNAP units authorized benefits via this Form 552. This includes Cash or Medical/SNAP units with non-SNAP unit members (e.g., students).

Receiving SNAP benefits as a component unit on another Form 552.

NOTE: Not valid for Category 08 cases.


Authorized SNAP benefits on this Form 552.

SNAP unit contains a member:

  • sanctioned for an IPV;
  • or with a work sanction;
  • or who is in Violation of Probation/Parole or has fled from the jurisdiction of the court and is considered to be a fugitive felon.
5 Authorized SNAP benefits via this Form 552. Unit contains an ineligible noncitizen.
6 Authorized SNAP benefits via this Form 552. Unit contains a member who refuses to comply with SSN requirements.