The STREET field is limited to 32 positions. The format for entry in the STREET field is:
Street Number (space) Direction (space) Street Name (space) Street Suffix (space) Apartment Number (when needed for delivery).
Following is a partial list of words and abbreviations that are invalid entries in Item 9:
- NO.
- NO
NOTE: BASEMENT, BSMT, and REAR are valid entries.
- Street Number: Enter the actual address number of the client as the first entry of the address field, except for the special type cases shown in WAG
If the address number has a fraction, enter the fraction at the end of the address field after the number symbol (#). For example, enter 123 1/2 Clark Street as:
- Direction: Enter the street direction as a letter, i.e., N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, or SW. Do not enter a period after the letter.
- Street Name: Spell out the entire street name. Do not use abbreviations. Leave a space between 2-word names.
If the street name is a number, enter it as an ordinal, e.g., 22ND, 23RD, 24TH.
- Street Suffix: This must be included in each address. Abbreviate as follows:
- Avenue - AVE
- Boulevard - BLVD
- Center - CTR
- Circle - CIR
- Court - CT
- Drive - DR
- Expressway - EXPY
- Highway - HWY
- Junction - JCT
- Lane - LN
- Parkway - PKWY
- Place - PL
- Plaza - PLZ
- Road - RD
- Square - SQ
- Street - ST
- Terrace - TER
- Trail - TRL
- Apartment Number: Enter an apartment number, floor, unit number, lot number or c/o (in care of) at the end of the address field. Enter this only when it is needed for delivery.
When entering an apartment number, unit number, or lot number do not use the word or abbreviation. Enter the number symbol (#), instead of the word or abbreviation, for apartment, unit, or lot.
Example: 1457 N MAIN ST # 72
- PO Box or Rural Route: A post office box number or a rural route replaces a street number, direction, street name, and street suffix. Enter a post office box number or a rural route as follows:
PO BOX 239
RR 2
For information on ZIP codes and the spelling of street names, call USPS at 1-800-725-2161.