WAG 25-06-09-b: Quarterly Reporting/Quarterly Budgeting

This demonstration project began with the first quarter of 1996 in the following sites:

  • Auburn Park (Research Site),
  • Englewood,
  • South Suburban,
  • DuPage,
  • Kankakee,
  • McLean, and
  • Peoria.

In Auburn Park, cases were designated as either a C (control) or an E (experimental) case.

Quarterly reporting applied to clients in the experimental group in Auburn Park and to all clients in the other sites who had earned income within the last 3 months. Clients receiving UI were not included in quarterly reporting. The rest of the state maintained monthly reporting procedures.

Effective for the 3rd quarter of 1996, cases in Williamson County were assigned to the C (control) or E (experimental) group.

Clients in quarterly reporting had their income budgeted prospectively using income-averaging over a 3-month period.

Clients were required to report 4 times a year. A report form was provided at the end of calendar February, May, August, and November. The completed reports were due by the 7th of the following month (i.e., by March 7th, June 7th, September 7th, and December 7th). The report was used to determine benefits for the next 3-month period (e.g., the March 7th report was used to determine benefits for the months of April, May, and June).

In the first quarter of 1997, Quarterly Reporting/Quarterly Budgeting was implemented statewide, except for:

  • Champaign,
  • Lake,
  • Rock Island, and
  • Control cases in Auburn Park and Williamson Counties.

In the 3rd quarter of 1997, Quarterly Reporting/Quarterly Budgeting was implemented statewide for TANF Cash cases.

Food Stamps

Effective 03/01/99, quarterly reporting was expanded to Food Stamps. Food stamp cases that met reporting requirements were budgeted using monthly reporting policy through the 03/99 payment month. The report clients received at the end of calendar February due by 03/07/99 was a quarterly report form. Information from that report was used to determine benefits for 04/99, 05/99, and 06/99.

End of Quarterly Reporting

Effective December 2003, Quarterly Reporting and Budgeting were ended and TANF and FS cases with earned income were converted to EI REDE status. Cases in EI REDE status are assigned 6 month redetermination cycles. The REDEs alternate between a mail-in application and a face-to-face interview. Cases in EI REDE status are only required to report when their income exceeds the gross income limit for their unit size.