PM 24-04-03-a
Send the client a Reconciliation Appointment Notice (Form 2846), to schedule an appointment. If the client keeps the reconciliation appointment and provides a valid reason for missing the child support appointment, refer the client back to DCSE via the 04CW line for downstate or the RPN log in Cook County. If reconciliation is successful, no further action is required.
If there is no valid reason and the client states they are willing to cooperate, the client signs a Reconciliation Agreement (Form 2846A). If there is a Family Support Specialist in the Family Community Resource Center on the day of the reconciliation appointment and has a "no show" appointment for their own schedule, Family Community Resource Center staff attempt to work in the reconciliation client for an interview on that day. If the FSS is not available, the Family Community Resource Center refers the client to DCSE using 04CW line (downstate) or the RPN log (Cook). When the client cooperates, DCSE sends a Change In Status (Form 493), to the Family Community Resource Center.