WAG 23-05-00
Overpayments are collected through either recoupment or recovery. Recoupment is used for active cases with overpaid cash benefits or SNAP. Claims are recouped starting with the oldest. For cash cases, the claim is not recoupable for overpayments found before 10/01/81. Recovery is used for canceled cases and supportive service duplicate check overpayments. The Department collects the overpayment by any method allowed under state and federal law.
A family can use available cash to repay some or all of the overpayment owed to the Department and reduce or prevent recoupment. Persons who owe overpayments have the right to pay all, or part of what they owe at any time. See PM 23-05-04 when a client with an overpayment files a bankruptcy petition.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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