WAG 22-01-01-m
No later than 30 days prior to expunging benefits, the EBT Unit will send Notice of a Change to your Illinois Link Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Account to the applicable Cash and/or Food Assistance (SNAP/State Food) household who has not accessed their benefits within the time frame. The notice informs the household of the benefit type and the amount that will be expunged unless a purchase is made by the date listed on the notice. The entire balance does not need to be spent. A purchase for any amount will start the counter over for the 274 day time frame.
Summer EBT benefits are expunged 122 days after the availability date. Households that receive Summer EBT will need to access the benefit by the 122nd day or the benefits will be expunged. Expunged Summer EBT benefits are no longer available to the customer and cannot be reissued. Households that are issued Summer EBT benefits and also receive SNAP and/or State Food will have the Summer EBT issuances deducted from the Illinois Link card account first due to the 122 day expungement.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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