PM 21-06-07-c: Work Readiness Training

WAG 21-06-07-c

new manual textWork Readiness Training

Work Readiness training consists of coordinated activities such as counseling, job placement services, employment assessment, job seeking skills training, life skills workshops, and information regarding the current labor market.

Component Participation

  • Work Readiness training gives the customer a better chance at getting and retaining a job by improving their job seeking and interviewing skills through training and preparing them for the lifestyle changes that may come after beginning a job. Intensive programs include skill assessment and educational remediation services that prepare customers for the workforce.
  • Work Readiness skills may include both foundational Cognitive Skills such as:
    • reading for information;
    • applied mathematics;
    • locating information;
    • problem solving;
    • critical thinking; and
  • Non-Cognitive Skills; or
  • Soft skills, which are defined as personal characteristics; and
  • Behavioral skills that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance, and career prospects such as adaptability, integrity, cooperation, and workplace discipline.

Case Management and Supportive Services

Customers participating in Work Readiness training will receive case management and supportive services.

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