WAG 21-03-01.
Job skills training is training or education for job skills required by an employer to provide an individual with the ability to obtain employment or to advance or adapt to the changing demands of the workplace.
The training may be customized training for a specific employer or specific employment. It may also include training that develops or enhances a client's skills in the area of writing, reading, math, oral or written business communication, computer skills or new industry technology.
Job retention services which are provided to clients recently employed may be counted as Job Skills Training if time spent in services is in addition to paid employment hours. Services provided for the first 90 days of employment include training on job-related issues, job-coaching and counseling, and follow-up with employers to address problems on the job.
Include sef-employment training in a RSP as Job Skills Training if it does not meet criteria for being approved as Vocational Training. See PM 21-02-07.
Participation in distance learning can be counted to the extent that the distance-learning program is directly related to the job or occupation.
Allow one hour of study time for every hour of classroom time.
Who may participate in the activity:
Include Job Skills Training in the RSP when:
- The client needs additional training to qualify for or to retain employment in a recognized occupation that will make the family self-supporting;
- The client has a GED or high school diploma, if it is required for training or employment in the chosen field;
- The individualized assessment shows the client has the ability and interest needed for success in the training, as determined by test results, educational/training background, and talking to the client;
- Jobs are available in the chosen field in which the client intends to work.
What the activity requires:
- The client must participate the required number of hours each week, as shown in the Responsibility and Services Plan.
- Proof of participation (i.e., attendance statements, educational records and reports) must be provided monthly or more often if requested.