WAG 20-08-11-d: Family Community Resource Center Responsibilities

PM 20-08-11-d.

  1. Tell residents who want approval for purchase of an item that the facility should provide that their funds are not needed for the purchase.
    • Document that the purchase was requested by the client if they insist on purchasing the item.
    • Give the facility a copy to be put in the client's record.
  2. Make sure that the resident's funds go with them when they leave the facility.
  3. File a claim upon a resident's death (see WAG 20-09-02).
  4. Refer facility that is not cooperating with disbursement of a resident's funds to the Bureau of Medicaid Integrity.
    1. Send copy of referral to BLTC.


  1. Review all resident accounts to verify income and expenditures, whether account is maintained by client, guardian, or facility.
  2. Use any excess personal funds in monthly credit or spenddown calculation.
  3. Review each resident's personal funds account at REDE:
    • Verify written authority for all withdrawals.
    • Verify client has been given a quarterly accounting of personal funds account.