WAG 20-08-10: Resident Contracts

PM 20-08-10.

  1. (Facility) Provides FCRC with either:
    • a general form contract between facility and all clients in facility, or
    • an individual contract, when special provisions have been made for an individual client.
  2. (FCRC) File general form contract in central location.
  3. (FCRC) File individual contract in client's case record.
  4. (FCRC) Notify Bureau of Medicaid Integrity if contract does not have all required information (see PM 20-08-10).
  5. (FCRC) Refer to BLTC, by memo, any problems with contract.
  6. (FCRC) Set control to contact facility in 30 calendar days of eligibility determination if copy of Report on Resident of Private Long Term Care Facility (HFS Form 26) was attached to application approval notice to find out if deposit has been returned to resident.
  7. (FCRC) Notify Bureau of Medicaid Integrity if facility has not returned deposit to resident.