WAG 25-04-05: Quarters of Coverage Codes

CONDITION CODE 01 Earnings record not found
02 System error, resubmit request
99 Record could not be processed
QUARTERS These codes represent a qualifying quarter:
A Agricultural QQ
C Wage QQ
D Military QQ
F Federal, state or local government wage QQ
G Gift QQ
J Japanese Internment QQ
M Military QQ
R Railroad QQ
S Self-employment QQ
X Wage QQ which may appear for 1951 or 1952
* A covered QQ
This code does not count as a qualifying quarter:
No earnings
QUARTERS Not enough information on the SSA record to determine if there is a qualifying quarter:
# Questionable QQ, 1952 - 1977
Z Questionable QQ, 1952 - present
MINIMUM # QQ Count the # in this field as a QQ. Minimum # of qualifying quarters earned during 1937 - 1950. If SSA is able to provide QQ information for 1937 - 1950 under the Quarters section of the screen, no entry will appear in this field, or in the Maximum # QQ field.
MAXIMUM # QQ Do not count as a QQ. Maximum # of qualifying quarters earned during 1937 - 1950. Quarters earned during this period will be less than the maximum possible. If SSA is able to provide QQ information for 1937 - 1950 under the Quarters section of the screen, no entry will appear in this field, or in the Minimum # QQ field.
RAILROAD SERVICE MONTHS Do not count as a QQ. This entry is the # of months of railroad work during 1937 - 1946. May be an indicator of the existence of additional quarters of coverage not shown in the Quarters section of the screen. If railroad quarters for 1937 - 1946 are reflected in the Quarters section, no information will appear.