WAG 19-04-02-b: TANF Cases in Zero Grant 2

PM 19-04-02-b

A case remains in zero grant reason 2 until Schedule 00 cut-off for the 2nd month after the month the case was put in zero grant. At Schedule 00 cut-off for the 2nd month, the case is centrally SWAPPED to medical.

Client Cooperates Within the 10-Workday Period

Restore cash assistance without a loss in benefits. Use TA 31/TAR 34 to take the case out of zero grant 2.

Example: On February 2nd, effective for regular roll of March, a worker puts a Group 01 case in zero grant 2 due to failure to keep a REDE appointment. The cancelled cash benefits would have been available on March 3rd. On March 9th, the client cooperates.

On March 11th the worker takes the case out of zero grant 2 effective for the regular roll for April using TA 31/TAR 34. The worker enters 03/01 in Item 2. The computer system will automatically calculate the IPE for the period March 1 through March 31.

Client Cooperates After the 10-Workday Period

If cooperation occurs after the 10-workday period has expired, do not restore assistance without a loss in benefits.

deleted Text

Before restoring cash assistance, make sure the case meets all eligibility requirements. This may include completing the requirement that originally caused cash assistance to be stopped. new textIf the client cooperates after 10 workdays but prior to the end of the fiscal month TANF was cancelled, restore assistance effective the date of cooperation. Prorate benefits from the date of cooperation. Budget any non-exempt income as if no break in benefits occurred.

When cooperation cannot be completed by the end of the fiscal month, request what is needed in writing. A client has agreed to cooperate when they verbally, or in writing, agree to do or provide what is needed. Do not restore cash assistance until the client actually cooperates.

revised textExample: A Group 01 client failed to cooperate with a cash-only requirement. The case was placed in zero grant reason 2 for May. The client's May benefits would have been available on May 3rd. The client comes in on May 28th (i.e., too late to have assistance restored without a loss in benefits). All eligibility requirements are met.  Restore assistance and prorate benefits effective the date of cooperation. Budget any non-exempt income as if no break in benefits occurred.

Client Cooperates After the End of the Fiscal Month of Cancellation

When the client states they are willing to cooperate after the fiscal month of cancellation, do not restore assistance without a new application.

Client Does Not Cooperate

(System) The system automatically SWAPs the case to 94 or 96 if the case is still in zero grant 2 status at Schedule 00 cut-off for the 2nd month after the month the case was put in zero grant.

Example 1: A Group 09 case was put in zero grant status on 03/08, effective March. If still in zero grant status at Schedule 00 cut-off for May, the case will be centrally SWAPped to 94 or 96 effective May.

Example 2: A Group 01 case was put in zero grant status on 03/08, effective April. If still in zero grant status at Schedule 00 cut-off for June, the case will be centrally SWAPped to 94 or 96 effective June.

If the case contains SNAP, the SNAP benefits are continued on the centrally SWAPped 94 or 96.