WAG 19-03-06: Timely SNAP REDE Application

PM 19-03-06

new manual textIES Phase 2 Process

Upon implementation of the Integrated Eligibility System (IES) Phase 2, SNAP notices used to approve, deny, or change benefits are consolidated into one Form 360c, Notice of Decision. See WAG 25-13-00  for the list of consolidated forms.

The following forms are used in the SNAP REDE Process:

  • Notice of Decision (Form 360c)
    • IES generates upon approval or denial of benefits and centrally mails to notify the customer of the approval or denial decision. See WAG 01-06-07, WAG 01-06-02-d
  • SNAP and TANF Redetermination Application and Medical Renewal (Form 1893)
    • Centrally produced REDE application and notice of expiration mailed to all SNAP units, including Mid-Point Reporting units, authorized benefits on the regular roll. Form 1893 is also used for TANF when a redeterminations of benefits is due and for medical renewals (Process B). 

Attachment to Redetermination (Form 4765B) 

  • Form 4765b is an attachment to Form 1893 centrally generated by IES.
  • Redetermination Fact Sheet (Form 4769)
    • Form 4769 is centrally generated to Mid-Point Reporting units to notify them of their Gross Income Eligibility Standard for the new approval period.

Note: In IES Phase 2, Form 683 is only used as a initial application. Form 683 is accessed in the DHS Forms Library page of the Correspondence Module.

Legacy System Process

Depending upon the specific case situation (see WAG 01-06-07), use the following forms (as outlined in WAG 19-03-03-c) when the SNAP REDE is approved or denied.

  • Form 157C;
  • Form 360 series;
  • Form 360A; or
  • Form 360C

revised manual textUse ACM or IPACS to register REDE applications and to deny or approve SNAP benefits.

  • Application for SNAP (Form 683)
    • Completed by all SNAP units in lieu of the centrally mailed Form 1893 when reapplying for SNAP as part of the REDE process. 
  • SNAP Eligibility Worksheet (Form 683A)
    • revised manual textComplete a manual Form 683A for each SNAP REDE processed through ACM and IPACS. File Form 683A in the case record. 
  • SNAP Calculation Sheet (Form 683B)
    • Complete Form 683B to determine the benefit amount for each SNAP REDE processed through IPACS revised manual text. Process with the correct income, need, and (if applicable) asset amounts. File Form 683B in the case record.
    • The ACM SNAP calculation printout may be used in place of the Form 683B for cases processed through ACM. Save the ACM calculation in Content Mangement.
  • Summary of Case Information (Form 1376/Form 1376C)
    • The manual Summary of Case Information (Form 1376) gives a complete summary of case information.
    • The form contains essential information as well as verifications not likely to change. The forms serve as an overview of eligibility factors. See WAG 26-01-01-a for completion of Form 1376.
    • The automated Summary of Case Information (Form 1376C) gives a complete summary of case information. deleted manual text 
  • SNAP Redetermination Application (Form 1893)
    • Centrally produced REDE application and notice of expiration mailed to all SNAP units authorized on the regular roll added manual textdue for a face-to-face interview revised manual text 
  • deleted manual text 
  • deleted manual text 
  • deleted manual text 
  • Attachment to Redetermination (Form 4765B)
    • revised manual textAttachment to Form 1893  application. Send or give to unit when Form 1893 is locally issued.
  • Redetermination Fact Sheet (Form 4769)
    • Form 4769 is provided to revised manual textMid-Point Reporting units to notify them of their Gross Income Eligibility Standard for the new approval period. 

After you make a final eligibility decision, file all SNAP REDE verification documents, the SNAP REDE application (Form 683, Form 1893 ) in the case record. If the SNAP unit is eligible, authorize benefits (see WAG 19-03-03-a).