WAG 25-07-02: Change of Name

  1. When you are notified of a client's change of name, review eligibility. Have the client complete and sign DPA 2149, Request for Change of Name (not required for SNAP). Make any needed changes in the case record including DPA 514 and DPA 1376, Summary of Case Information.
  2. Complete DPA 552 as follows:
    • Item 1 - Complete.
    • Item 2 - Enter the effective month and year.
    • Item 3 - Enter TA 31 if the change of name does not require a change in the group number. Enter TA 40 if the  change of name requires a change in the group number.
    • Item 4 - Complete.
    • Item 6 - Complete.
    • Item 8 - Enter the new name above the old name.
    • Item 30 - Complete.
    • Item 33 - Enter the correct TAR. For GA cases, complete if TA 31 is entered in Item 3.
    • Item 39 - Complete, if required
    • Item 44 - Complete, if required
    • Items 50-52 - Complete when applicable.
    • Item 60 - Enter the new name above the old name.
  3. Review other items on the DPA 552 to determine if coding accurately reflects the status of the case.

NOTE: For TANF and GA cases, see WAG 18-03-11 if the change in case name places the case in a different mailing schedule.

new textNOTE: If a 94/96 case with a SNAP availability date of the 4th, 7th, or 10th has a name change that results in a new availability date, the system assigns the case to the appropriate new availability date based on the new last name and sends Form 2807 to inform the customer of the change.