PM 19-02-01-f: Timely Increase in TANF Benefits

WAG 19-02-01-f

If information received by the Family Community Resource Center shows that a client is eligible for an increase in cash benefits, the increased amount must be mailed no later than 45 calendar days from the date the Family Community Resource Center initially received the information.

If the client causes a delay in verifying the change, extend the 45 calendar day period by one day for each day of delay by the client. The 45 calendar day limit does not apply if the client fails to provide the required information or to cooperate in the review of eligibility.

When the client delays in providing proof or fails to cooperate in the review of eligibility, document all information in the case record. Include:

  • the specific information requested by the FCRC;
  • the date that the FCRC initially requested information/cooperation of the client;
  • the date by which the client was to respond to the FCRC request;
  • the date that the client responded, or failed to respond, to the FCRC request.