WAG 19-02-01-d
IES Phase 2 Process
The TANF REDE is due by the 1st day of the last fiscal month of the approval period. However, the TANF EDG will not close if the REDE application is marked as received and in case change or REDE mode by close of terminal entry of the last fiscal month of the approval period. For a customer's REDE to be processed, the customer must:
- appear for the face-to face interview that is scheduled after the redetermination application is filed timely;
- provide all requested verifications within 10 calendar days of the date requested; and
- meet all other eligibility factors.
A TANF unit loses its right to ongoing benefits if it fails to meet any of the requirements. Deny a TANF REDE application if the TANF unit fails or refuses to cooperate in the REDE process.
Timely REDE Application
Consider the application timely when filed by the 15th day of the last fiscal month of the approval period. If a TANF unit files a timely TANF REDE application, provide benefits for the new approval period with no interruption in benefits. If the customer submits their REDE packet, but the redetermination is not processed by the caseworker, the EDG will not be cancelled if the date received has been entered in IES.
Any change that is reported at REDE and processed before the schedule closes will impact the next approval period. If the REDE was received in IES and changes were submitted but were not processed before cutover, a mercury will be issued for an underpayment or an overpayment should be processed. If a customer is owed a mercury or supplement due to the REDE not being processed on time, IES will run eligibility and will issue the mercury or a supplement through a batch process that takes place every evening.
A face-to-face interview is required for all TANF REDEs. Schedule an interview when a TANF unit files its REDE application. If the customer fails to contact the caseworker for an appointment, the caseworker should contact the customer.
NOTE: The local office may schedule an interview before the application is filed if the unit has received its Notice of Expiration of Certification. Do not deny or cancel benefits if the unit fails to appear for an interview that is scheduled before a REDE application is filed.
If the customer does not appear for the scheduled appointment without good cause, close the EDG if the case has been active for 12 months and a REDE has not been completed within 12 months. The EDG should be closed the next workday following the day of the scheduled interview.
Do not schedule another interview unless requested by the unit. If the TANF unit requests another interview and appears for the interview by the 30th day following the end of the approval period, reopen the application.
After receiving a REDE report form, the local office looks over the form for completeness and any changes that may affect eligibility or the benefit amount. Verify any changes that affect eligibility.
At each TANF REDE, verify:
- each unit member's status in work and training activities because a person's status may change;
- income, see PM 10-02-03, or if the source of income has changed, see PM 10-02-04-b;
- for Mid-Point Reporting cases, verify earnings;
- changes in child support payments if the TANF unit claims the child support deduction;
- newly reported social security numbers (SSN);
- for noncitizens, BCIS status must be verified through SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification of Entitlements) if the status is subject to change, or proof through SAVE has not already been obtained. A customer must cooperate in the CSS process as asked at REDE. See PM 24-02-00; and
- Any questionable or inconsistent information.
If it becomes clear that the unit's current paid living expenses consistently exceed income and assets, ask how they pay their bills. It may be necessary to verify financial management, if questionable.
Other factors of eligibility, specifically relationship, living with a caretaker relative, school status, social security numbers (for all members of the unit), and correct responsible relative information need not be verified at each REDE if these factors have already been verified and are recorded or filed in the case record.
See PM 08-01-05, if there is a child for whom support may be earmarked at the customer's request (optional or allocation assistance unit) or an SSI child for whom earmarking is required.
If it is found that a family member has a high-cost medical condition and has health insurance available, explain the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program. See PM 23-08-01.
Determine potential eligibility for UI at the first REDE if a determination of potential eligibility for UI was required at initial application. When an adult, or a child age 16 or over who is not enrolled in school, loses employment, determine potential eligibility for UI when employment is lost and at the next 2 scheduled REDEs following the loss of employment. Inform the person of their potential eligibility for UI.
Persons nonexempt from work and training activities and potentially eligible for UI must apply for UI as a condition of their eligibility. Nonexempt customers who have an application for UI pending do not need to reapply. Persons exempt from work and training activities but potentially eligible for UI do not have to apply for UI.
Explain to RPY cases about potential child care benefits that cover employment, training, or the cost of education related to the customer's effort to find or keep a job.
Return of Requested Information
Allow the TANF unit 10 calendar days from the date of the local office request to provide the required verifications. If the 10th day is not a workday, the due date is the first workday following the 10th calendar day. If the TANF unit does not provide the required information by the due date, deny the TANF REDE application the first workday after the due date.
If the TANF unit provides the required information within 30 days of the end of the current approval period, reopen the application.
Legacy System Process (ACM and IPACS)
If the REDE is not completed by mail,
customers must call their caseworker for an appointment.
If an appointment is required and the customer fails to contact the caseworker for an appointment, contact the customer. Schedule an appointment time for the REDE interview. If the customer does not appear for the scheduled appointment without good cause, cancel benefits if the case has been active for 12 months and a REDE has not been completed within 12 months. Otherwise, zero grant the case.
After receiving a REDE report form, the local office looks over the form for completeness and any changes that may affect eligibility or the benefit amount. Take any action that is required. Verify any changes that affect eligibility.
NOTE: Check each unit member's status in work and training activities at REDEs and at special case reviews because a person's status may change.
If it becomes clear that the unit's current paid living expenses consistently exceed income and assets, ask how they pay their bills. It may be necessary to verify financial management, if questionable.
See PM 08-01-05 when, during the REDE process, it is found that there is:
- a child for whom support may be earmarked at the customer's request (optional or allocation assistance unit) or
- an SSI child for whom earmarking is required.
During the REDE process, when it is found that a family member has a high-cost medical condition and has health insurance available, explain the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program (see PM 23-08-01).
When an adult, or a child age 16 or over who is not enrolled in school, loses employment, determine potential eligibility for UI:
- when employment is lost and
- at the next 2 scheduled REDEs following the loss of employment.
Determine potential eligibility for UI at the first REDE if a determination of potential eligibility for UI was required at intake.
Persons nonexempt from work and training activities and potentially eligible for UI must apply for UI as a condition of their eligibility. Nonexempt customers who have an application for UI pending do not need to reapply.
Persons exempt from work and training activities but potentially eligible for UI do not have to apply for UI. Inform the person of their potential eligibility for UI.
Explain to RPY cases about potential child care benefits that cover employment, training, or the cost of education related to the customer's effort to find or keep a job.
Other factors of eligibility, specifically relationship, living with a caretaker relative, school status, social security numbers (for all members of the unit), and correct responsible relative information need not be verified at each REDE if these factors have already been verified and are recorded or filed in the case record.
For noncitizens, BCIS status must be verified through SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification of Entitlements) if the status is subject to change, or proof through SAVE has not already been obtained.
A customer must cooperate in the CSS process as asked at REDE (see PM 24-02-00).