WAG 18-04-10.
If a change results in a decrease or cancellation of benefits, issue the SNAP unit a notice of adverse action within 10 calendar days of the date the change was reported.
If the change results in a decrease in benefits, take the action
from the first month possible from the reported date. Allow at least 10 days for the notice of adverse action. Do not take the action if a fair hearing and continuation of benefits is requested (see WAG 01-07-00).
Adding a New Member
When a SNAP unit reports the addition of a new member who is not included in another SNAP unit for the month of report, and their being added results in a decrease in benefits, add the new member for the first regular roll month that can be affected. See PM 13-02-05 for budgeting the income of a new member. See WAG 25-07-12 for actions to take to add a member to the unit.
Change in Shelter Costs
If a change in shelter expenses results in a decrease or cancellation of benefits, make the change effective the first month possible allowing at least 10 days for the notice of adverse action. Do not take the action if a fair hearing or continuation of benefits is requested.