PM 18-04-04: Reporting Shelter Cost Changes

WAG 18-04-04

Change Reporting SNAP households are required to report a change in shelter costs within 10 calendar days. Accept the customer's statement of the new shelter costs and update the case with the new information.  Verification of the expenses is not required.

Besides FCRCs, staff from the Bureau of Customer Support and Services, HFS, Child Support, Work and Training, and Teen Parent Services can change the customer's address through IES when they learn of an address change.  The address may also be updated when a change was reported to the U.S. Postal  Service via the National Change of Address (NCOA) update process.

New Manual MaterialChange Reporting and Mid-Point Reporting Households

new manual textIf a Change Reporting household or a Mid-Point Reporting household reports a physical address change within Illinois, but the shelter costs are unknown, IDHS must follow up and take action on changes in expenses. Note: When a customer moves out of Illinois, follow up action on unknown shelter costs is not required, instead their case should be cancelled for failing the Illinois residency reuqirement, see WAG 03-02-03-a.

new manual textThe follow up will be completed by a batch action which will send an IL444-5229 and allow the customer ten calendar days to confirm or update their shelter costs. If the customer does not return the form, no further action is required. Potential changes can be updated at the next Redetermination or Mid-Point Report, whichever occurs first. If the household responds to the notice, update the housing and/or utility costs.