WAG 18-03-06.
A written request is not needed to add a person who must be in the case by filing unit policy. A written notice is not required when adding a person to a case because of filing unit policy unless
total benefits are reduced or ended.

Start cash benefits for a person who must be in the case, back to the first day the person was required to be in the
If not eligible for an increased cash payment due to income, add the person to the case, back to the first day the person was required to be in the case. But do not issue any cash benefits. Send a notice of payment reduction if income is greater than
the change in payment level.
When adding a child (other than a newborn) or an adult to case, don't backdate medical eligibility if the person being added received medical coverage as a member of another benefit unit.
Send the increased payment, if eligible, no later than 45 calendar days from the date the Family Community Resource Center becomes aware a person who must be in the case is in the home.
Medical for a person who must be in the case begins the first day of the first month of cash eligibility.