WAG 17-04-03-e: Denial for Refusal to Cooperate with Quality Control

PM 17-04-03-e

(FCRC) Immediately notify the Bureau of SNAP Integrity (BSNAPI) in Springfield, when:

  • revised texta SNAP unit applies for SNAP benefits; and
  • revised texta SNAP unit member(s) has been previously denied or canceled with TAR 99, as shown by case clearances.

(revised textBSNAPI) Sends a memorandum to the Family Community Resource Center to report whether or not the SNAP unit has since cooperated with revised textBSNAPI staff.

(FCRC) Deny the application by using TAR 99, Refusal to Cooperate with a Quality Control Review, when revised textBSNAPI indicates that the SNAP unit has not cooperated with them.

See PM 01-03-03-b and WAG 01-03-03-b.