PM 15-08-00: Spenddown

WAG 15-08-00.

New textPersons whose countable monthly income and nonexempt resources are within the appropriate income and resource standards get Medicaid coverage without having to meet a spenddown. Resources are only considered for AABD Medical.

Revised textThe system will enroll an AABD Community case in spenddown when:

  • countable monthly income exceeds the appropriate Income Standard by at least $1, and/or
  • nonexempt resources exceed the resource limit for the unit's size by at least $1, and
  • the requirements in PM 17-02-04 are met.

The system will enroll a NH or SLP case in spenddown when nonexempt resources exceed the NH or SLP charges by at least $1 at the private pay rateDeleted text.