WAG 15-04-03
Income is not a medical assistance eligibility factor except to determine if a case has a spenddown. For all Medical Only customers, determine the amount of monthly nonexempt income using calendar months. Monthly nonexempt income minus allowable deductions equals countable monthly income.
Compare countable monthly income to the AABD medical standard for the unit size.
Eligibility for medical assistance is determined in whole dollar amounts only. Drop cents from each amount during the eligibility calculation. This includes dropping cents from:
- each paycheck for earned income;
- each payment for unearned income;
- the average weekly/bi-weekly amount;
- each day care payment;
- the gross income from self-employment after deducting appropriate self-employment expenses;
- the 1/2 of the remainder earned income exemption; and
- each recognized expense of employment.
To determine monthly income, both earned and unearned, for persons who receive a payment once a week or once every 2 weeks:
- Determine an average weekly/bi-weekly amount for the month;
- Multiply this amount by 4.3 if the person receives the payment weekly;
- Multiply this amount by 2.15 if the person receives the payment bi-weekly.
The average weekly/bi-weekly amount may vary from month to month.
If a person who is paid weekly receives fewer than 4 checks during a particular month, or a person who is paid once every 2 weeks receives fewer than 2 checks during a particular month, use the actual amount received.