PM 11-02-01: Definitions

WAG 11-02-01.

Use the following definitions when determining eligibility and benefit amount for AABD Cash benefits.

  • Prospective determination means reviewing eligibility factors, both financial and nonfinancial, as they are expected to exist in the payment month. It also means computing the monthly benefit amount based on income expected to be received during the payment month.
  • The payment month is the calendar month that the monthly check is supposed to cover. A regular roll monthly benefit is provided on or near the beginning of the payment month.
  • The budget month is the calendar month from which income is used to determine the benefit amount.

    In prospective budgeting, the budget month is the payment month. 

  • The AABD Cash Assistance Standard is the total amount of needs that the client qualifies for, based on the needs allowed for under State Law.
  • AABD Cash Assistance is also called State Supplemental Payments (SSP). The benefits are for persons age 65 or older, or for persons who have been determined blind or disabled by the Social Security Administration, or by DHS if the person was denied SSI due to income.
  • Best Estimate is a method used for anticipating the amount of income when determining prospective eligibility and payment amount. Best estimate is based on the following:
    • At intake or for SWAPS to AABD Cash, best estimate is based on the applicant's income from the 30-day period prior to the application or request unless a change in income is anticipated. If a change is expected concerning a client's earnings, best estimate is based on the applicant's statement of rate of pay, hours of work, and number of expected paychecks. For unearned income, best estimate is based on the client's statement of the income to be received.
    • For active clients who report new income: Best estimate for new employment is based on the client's statement of their rate of pay, hours of work, and number of expected paychecks. For unearned income, best estimate is based on the client's statement of the income to be received.