WAG 10-02-02-c
Prospectively compare total income to the Payment Level in 2 steps. If income is received weekly or bi-weekly use income-averaging. See WAG 25-03-05 for Payment Levels.
For both steps, include the income of:
- all persons applying for or receiving TANF except for the earned income of a child (see PM 08-01-01-e), and
- any other person whose income is used when determining TANF benefits.
Step 1:
Compare total income to the Payment Level. From earned income allow only:
- allowable self-employment expenses and
- up to the initial employment deduction for each employed person's earned income.
If total prospective monthly income is less than the Payment Level, the case is eligible. Go to Step 2 to determine the cash benefit amount.
Step 2:
Compare total income to the Payment Level. From earned income allow:
- allowable self-employment expenses and
- the 3/4 earned income deduction.
If total prospective monthly income is less than the Payment Level, the case is eligible. The difference between the Payment Level and prospective monthly income is the cash benefit amount. If total prospective monthly income is equal to or greater than the Payment Level, eligibility for ongoing cash does not exist.
NOTE: A family can be eligible for just the IPE if the family was eligible against the first 30 days and was eligible to receive an IPE, but is not eligible against the first regular roll test.
An income-averaged amount budgeted against the first regular roll month continues ongoing until:
- the next 6-month period's income is anticipated based on the next redetermination form provided by the client; or
- a change occurs in the client's circumstances which requires a change in the amount budgeted (e.g., loss of employment).