WAG 08-04-04-d: Public or Private Benefit Payments

PM 08-04-04-d.

  1. Have the client provide verification of the payments. Verification may be:
    • Social Security award letter,
    • benefit payment check,
    • Unemployment Insurance award letter,
    • pension award notice,
    • Veterans Administration award notice,
    • correspondence on benefits, or
    • Railroad Retirement award letter.
  2. Get verifications from other sources if the client does not have the records available:
    • BENDEX,
    • State Online Query (SOLQ),
    • Social Security District Office Files,
    • Department of Labor - Unemployment Insurance Division,
    • AWVS system,
    • Workmen's Compensation records,
    • Veterans Administration records,
    • insurance company records, or
    • Railroad Retirement Board records.

Budgeting UI Benefits When Taxes are Deducted

Use the gross amount when budgeting unemployment insurance (UI) benefits.

Example: Mr. W. receives $425 bi-weekly in UI benefits before taxes are deducted. The correct amount to budget as unearned income is $425 x 2.15 = $913.