WAG 08-01-03.
Since the budgeting of earned income is prospective, always allow all the earned income disregards the client is entitled to for each payment month for which assistance is authorized.
This policy only applies when figuring current prospective eligibility. It does not apply when figuring prospective eligibility for overpayment determinations.
Submittal of a REDE for households in
Mid-Point Reporting (MPR) status after it is due will never cause a loss of earned income deductions. Since budgeting is prospective, always allow all the earned income deductions for each payment month for which assistance is authorized.
There may be times when a client does not provide all their monthly wage stubs. When a client does not provide all of their pay stubs, use the "year to date" totals on the stub(s) that are provided to figure total monthly earned income.
Use "year to date" information on a client's pay stub(s) to figure gross monthly earned income if the total amount of earnings received for a month can be figured from the pay stub(s) provided by the client.