WAG 07-02-08: Burial Funds

PM 07-02-08

Document in the case record the cash value of the fund and the facility that will provide the services. If the funds exceed the burial fund limit, apply the excess to the asset limit.

revised language in the policyVerify the burial fund agreement as follows:

  • Bank account or other burial fund, view a copy of the agreement or statement from a bank; or
  • Prepaid burial plan funded by trust, view a copy of the Prepaid Burial Contract or other signed statement from the funeral director which specifies coverage in the contract; or
  • Prepaid burial plan funded by life insurance - view a copy of the Life Insurance purchased, irrevocable assignment to the trust with the state named as remainder beneficiary, confirmation from that the trust accepts the assignment and prepaid contract with funeral home; or
  • new languate added to policy Prepaid burial contract funded by an irrevocable assignment of a life insurance policy to a funeral home or funeral director, view the HFS 3195 form, life insurance policy and the prepaid burial contract.

new language added to policy Refer to the Burial Resource and Record Burial Resource Space Items wizards for additional details.