WAG 03-15-08-b: During the Approval Period

PM 03-15-08-b

revised manual textOnly the person who failed to comply with a Work Provision is sanctioned (PM 05-03-00). Use the income of the person who is sanctioned when determining eligibility and benefit level, but do not include the person in the SNAP household size.

Example: Mr. and Mrs. R and their 2 children, ages 12 and 13, receive SNAP. The case is in Mid-Point Reporting status because Mr. R works. On the REDE application received 03/07, Mr. R reported that Mrs. R, who is nonexempt from the SNAP Work Provisions, started to work a full-time job in January and quit the job. The FCRC contacted Mr. R by phone to discuss the job quit and determined that the quit was without good cause. Mrs. R is sanctioned due to the job quit starting in April.