WAG 06-14-01-b
The QI-1 income standard is more than 120% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), but equal to or less than 135% of the FPL. If income is at or less than 120% of the FPL, the person may be eligible for SLIB. See PM 15-05-03 (AABD) to figure countable monthly income. Spenddown does not apply.
See PM 15-06-02-c (AABD) to determine the number in the household.
The FPL is updated yearly. Updated income standards are in WAG 25-03-02(2)
Round income down to the next lowest dollar.
Do not use the annual January Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) increase in deciding QI-1 eligibility for January, February, and March.
When determining QI-1 eligibility for a long-term care resident or for persons receiving in-home care services through the Department on Aging (DoA), do not allow a deduction from the person's income for the Community Spouse Maintenance Needs Allowance (CSMNA) or the Family Maintenance Needs Allowance (FMNA). When determining QI-1 for a community spouse of a long-term care resident or for persons receiving in-home care services through the DoA, the CSMNA and the FMNA are not considered income.