WAG 06-10-00: Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE)
- WAG 06-10-01: Approved MPE Providers
- WAG 06-10-02: Eligibility
- WAG 06-10-03: Eligibility Period
- WAG 06-10-04: Handling Applications
- WAG 06-10-05: Income Guidelines
- WAG 06-10-06: Payment
- WAG 06-10-07: Registering an MPE Application
- WAG 06-10-08: Authorizing MPE Coverage
- WAG 06-10-09: Applies for Ongoing Benefits
- WAG 06-10-10: MPE Client with a Pending Application
- WAG 06-10-11: MPE Client in Spenddown
- WAG 06-10-12: Fails to Apply for Ongoing Benefits
- WAG 06-10-13: Provider Notice