WAG 06-01-06: Work Registration Requirements

PM 06-01-06

At application, or any time a person becomes nonexempt, explain the work registration requirements if the person has INS permission to work. Refer the person to the Refugee Job Placement Agency if there is one in the Family Community Resource Center area (see WAG 06-01-12). Refer the client as follows:

  1. Complete Referral to Refugee Job Placement Agency (Form 2424) in triplicate.
  2. Give the original Form 2424 and one copy to the client to take to the Refugee Job Placement Agency. Keep the 2nd copy as a control. If there is no Refugee Job Placement Agency in the Family Community Resource Center area, tell the client that they must register with Job Service and bring back their Job Service Card.
  3. Tell the client that they must return the completed Form 2424 or Job Service Card within 10 workdays as proof of registration.
  4. If the client does not return the Form 2424 or Job Service Card within 10 workdays, do not include that person's needs in the monthly cash benefit amount. The other members of the unit remain eligible for cash. Set up a medical case for the person who is ineligible for cash.