PM 05-01-02: Residential Facility Responsibilities

WAG 05-01-02.

Residential treatment facilities approved to accept revised textFood Assistance (SNAP/State Food) benefits from their residents have the following responsibilities:

  • The facility:
    • is responsible for fraud or untruths committed by its employees acting as authorized representatives for residents who receive revised textFood Assistance benefits;
    • must be aware of the resident's circumstances when applying on their behalf;
    • is liable for any loss, misuse, or overpayment of revised textFood Assistance benefits that occurs while the customer is a resident;
    • must provide the local Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC) with a monthly activity report of the facility's revised textFood Assistance customers and their authorized representative. The report must be signed by the facility director;
    • must immediately notify the FCRC in writing whenever there is a change in the resident's circumstances that may affect eligibility, such as changes in residence, income, and assets; and
    • must return the Illinois Link card to residents when they are discharged.