WAG 02-06-01-b: Waiving the Family Community Resource Center Face-to-Face Eligibility Interview

PM 02-06-01-b

For SNAP units containing a unit member who is employed, schedule a phone interview instead of a face-to-face interview at the Family Community Resource Center unless the SNAP unit requests a face-to-face interview. If the SNAP unit requests a face-to-face interview conduct one.

For all other applicants, waive the office interview on a case-by-case basis for any applicant unable to appoint an approved representative and when there are no unit members able to come to the office.

New TextExample: Ms. A. is applying for TANF, and is being stalked by an ex-boyfriend. She is afraid to come to the FCRC because his family lives in the same area. She is unable to come to the FCRC because of fear of danger due to past or ongoing domestic or sexual violence.

Waiver of the Family Community Resource Center interview does not exempt the applicant from the verification requirements.

When the office interview is waived, conduct a telephone interview or a home visit. Only make a home visit if the time of the visit is scheduled in advance with the applicant.