PM 02-05-02
- (EW) Review the application form for completeness and required signatures.
- (FCRC) Register the application.
- (AIS) Automatically registers the application after the screening is completed.
- (Intake) For applications not registered through AIS, complete a blank Form 552 as follows:
- Item 1 - Enter case identification (ID) number.
- For cash cases with refugees, the basic number is an alpha character plus 5 numbers. The alpha characters are:
A |
Refugee approved after July 1, 1981 (AABD and TANF) |
R |
Repatriate (AABD and TANF) |
Y |
Cuban/Haitian Entrant (Status Pending) (AABD, CGA, and TANF) |
Z |
For CGA, all other refugees except Cuban/Haitian |
- Examples:
04-091-A00001 |
TANF case - Refugee approved after 07/01/81 |
03-213-Y00015 |
AABD Cash case - Cuban/Haitian Entrant (Status Pending) |
I00-040-R13451 |
RRA Cash case - Repatriate |
07-232-Z12468 |
CGA case - other refugees |
- For SNAP benefits, if the SNAP payee is the payee for an active Cash or Medical case, or is payee for a Cash or Medical application, use the Cash or Medical case ID number. For Web Applications, see the Web Application section below.
- NOTE: If more than one basic number has been assigned to an applicant, the Financial Unit determines which number was assigned or used most recently. The number used most recently is used to register the application.
- Item 2 - Enter the 6-digit date (month, day, and year) the application form was received in the Family Community Resource Center as indicated. For example, July 6, 1997, is entered as 07-06-97.
- For AABD, if the application is a request for assistance to be restored due to an appeal pending with SSA (TAR 70), enter the month, day, and year of the first day of the fiscal month benefits were canceled.
- Item 3 - Enter the correct TA:
- 01 - New application
- 02 - Reapplication
- Item 4 - Complete for SNAP benefits only; enter 7.
- Item 5 - To allow for system monitoring of a SNAP application, enter the 3-position Caseload/Interview indicator; see WAG 27-05-00.
- Items 6, 8-10 - Complete.
- Item 33 - Only complete for:
- SNAP: 01, New Application
- 05, Reopened Application
- 06, Reregistration
- QMB/SLIB Only: enter TAR 54.
Item 53 - Enter the county of residence. The county of residence is the 3 digit code corresponding to the office number of the FCRC located in the household's county of residence.
- (FCRC) Forward Form 552 to the Financial Unit for processing.
- (FCRC) Retain the screening portion of Form 2378C for the intake interview. When a disposition is made, file the screening and intake interview sections of Form 2378C in the case record.
To reopen a denied SNAP application complete the correct AIS screens, or if reopening through IPACS, register the case as described in Step 2b, entering TAR 05 in Item 33.
If a person applies for medical only and does not claim to be blind or disabled, and is not pregnant or a dependent child under age 19, or age 65 or older, register a Category 93 application. Since the Department does not have a medical program to meet the applicant's needs, deny the application using TAR 12. The denial reason message, "Based on the information provided you are not eligible for any programs the Department offers," is printed on Form 360C. See WAG 17-04-02 to deny the Medical application.
Web Applications
When a web application is received by DHS, the application questions and responses are electronically sent in real time to the new Caseworker Tools system. The Caseworker Tools system stores the application data electronically. Do not print out the application and put it in the case record. (This includes applications that are progressed to All Kids Share, Premium or Rebate and later transferred.) The information is also sent electronically to the Automated Intake System and the application is registered or suspended. If the application is registered, the registration transaction posts the receipt of the application to the pending list.
If an application registration is suspended, a worker or manager needs to decide how to register the application. Applications suspend when the system does not have enough information to decide how to register the case. The record of receipt of the application is kept in Caseworker Tools. A temporary number (0A) is assigned to the suspended application. All suspended applications must be registered.
- Example: A web application is submitted by Mrs. H requesting cash, medical, and SNAP benefits for himself and his children. Mrs. H did not provide the date of birth for one of her children for whom she's requesting assistance. The registration will be suspended and caseworker tools will show a case status of suspended. The worker or manager must register the application.
If a web application for only SNAP benefits is received and the applicant is already active on a cash or medical case the system will register the application for SNAP benefits. Instead of suspending the application, the system registers the application, but under category 08. Once the worker identifies that there is an active categorical case, they change the pending category 08 SNAP application to the active case number using TA 62 in IPACS.
- Example: Mr. A submits a SNAP web application for himself, his wife, and his two children. They all currently receive medical benefits in category 94. The system will register the application with a category 08. After reviewing clearances, the worker processes TA 62 in IPACS to change the pending registration to the active 94 case number.
If a web application is received for a cash request for someone who is already on a medical case, the system will register a new application. Review the Web Benefits application to determine if there are new requesters (e.g. Mom, child, niece and nephew). If there are new requestors keep the case pending for those who may be eligible on a separate case and register the SWAP on the exisiting case under the same category and basic number through ACM or IPACS using TA 31/TAR A7. In Item 80 enter code 333 DCR with the 6-digit date of the request (date of web application) under AMOUNT. The SWAP request must be registered before it can be approved or denied (See WAG 18-02-01).
If there are no new requesters, then deny the web application, suppress the notice to the client, and register the SWAP on the exisiting case under the same category and basic number through ACM or IPACS using TA 31/TAR A7. In Item 80 enter code 333 DCR with the 6-digit date of the request (date of web application) under AMOUNT. The SWAP request must be registered before it can be approved or denied (See WAG 18-02-01).