WAG 02-05-01
Retrieve ABE applications from the Electronic Document Management (EDM) Inbox and review prior to registration.
Applicants that walk in to a FCRC may be interviewed the same day. Paper applications and face to face interviews must be entered in IES.
Based on information entered in the IES for the applicant(s), the system produces clearances. These clearances are available for review by the caseworker.
For SNAP, a National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC) clearance is generated to check states for duplicate SNAP participation and prevent benefits from being issued to the same individual simultaneously. See PM 03-02-03-d.
Note: During screening, determine if a SNAP applicant meets the criteria for expedited service. If they do, schedule an expedited eligibility interview for that day or the next workday. See PM 02-08-00 for expedited service.
When an interview is required, give or send the applicant a written notice that lists the interview date and time. Schedule the eligibility interview for no more than 14 days from the application date. See WAG 02-05-05 for scheduling procedures.
When all information has been entered in the IES, answer any questions the applicant has and provide them with the required pamphlets.