PM 02-04-06: Application Date

WAG 02-04-06

The correct application date is very important. DHS revised textand HFS are required to determine eligibility for programs within certain timeframes.

Revised textFor paper applications, the application date is the first workday the office receives the application before 5:00 p.m., unless the application is:

  • accepted by ORS Counselors for applicants or recipients of Vocational Rehabilitation or Blind Services; or
  • a SNAP application taken by SSA; or 
  • received from an all Kids Application Agent; or
  • a faxed application received when the office is closeddeleted text.

new textApplication for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) Applications

The application date must be entered into IES by the worker when the application is mailed or a face-to-face interview is conducted. If an application comes from ABE, the date will be pre-populated to the correct application date.

new textABE Customer Call Center Applications

The application date is the date the call is completed which must include the telephonic signature. If the call is interrupted before the telephonic signature is received, the interview is not complete and an application for benefits has NOT been filed.