PM 02-04-03
When unmarried adults on the same application qualify for MAGI programs, workers must
review the relationship and tax dependent questions for each requestor. 
Parents may apply for their child aged 19 or over if the child is being claimed as a tax dependent.
Example: Mom applies for herself and her 21 year old son who she will claim as a tax dependent. A separate application for the 21 year old son is not required; mom and adult son may be approved on the same IES case.
Parents may not apply for their child aged 19 or over if they are not claiming the child as a tax dependent.
Example: Mom applies for herself and her 21 year old son. Mom is not claiming her son as a tax dependent. They both potentially qualify for the ACA Adult program. Since the mother is not claiming her son as a tax dependent, the adult son must file a separate application. IES sends the Head of Household (HOH) a denial letter for the 21 year old.
A Redetermination form is sent two months prior to an individual aging out (turns 19 years of age) of an All Kids Program. When the individual is due for redetermination, a 643A '19 Year Old Aging Out of All Kids Medical Benefits' form is sent to the household along with a redetermination form for the other individuals on the case (when their certification periods are aligned). The notice informs the 19 year old that they will no longer qualify for All Kids coverage and if they would like to be reviewed for eligibility on their own case, they must complete, sign and return the 643A or apply on ABE (or other acceptable methods). Parents may include their 19 year old child on their redetermination form if they are being claimed as a tax dependent.
When the 19 year old is not the spouse of the head of household (HOH), or is not claimed as a tax dependent, the 643A is processed as an application for the 19 year old.
Example: The case contains mother and son. The son turns 19 years old at the end of the current certification period. A 643A will be sent for the son to complete, and a separate redetermination form will be sent to the mother.
Note: The 19 year old's medical benefits will be closed effective with the last day of their current certification period unless they return a signed 643A.
When the 19 year old is the spouse of the head of household, or is claimed as a tax dependent, the individual may remain on the case and eligibility for the household will be determined using the redetermination form.
Example: The case contains mother and son. The son turns 19 years old at the end of the current certification period. The mother claims her son as a dependent on her taxes. A redetermination form is sent to the household. The form is returned by the parent who indicates that she will file taxes and continue to claim her son as a tax dependent. Use the redetermination form that is signed by the parent.
Note: A signed 643A is only required from the 19 year old if they are not the spouse of the HOH or when they are not being claimed as tax dependent.