WAG 02-04-03
The applicant (head of household) for the case must sign the application, except for the following situations:
- For SNAP, any unit member who is age 18 or over can sign. If no one is 18 or over, the payee for the SNAP unit must sign.
- A person who resides in a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Center (PM 05-01-01) must have an Authorized Representative, appointed by the treatment center's administrator, sign an application for SNAP benefits.
- A resident of a group living arrangement may apply for SNAP on their own, or through their Approved Representative, or through an employee of the group home assigned to act as an Authorized Representative. See WAG 02-04-03-c and PM 05-08-05. The decision of whether or not to use an authorized representative is made by the group home. The group home bases the decision on the resident's mental and physical ability to handle their own affairs.
- If 2 adults apply for cash, the signature of both adults is required.
- An Approved Representative who applies for an applicant may provide signature for the applicant and may sign the applicant's name or their own name.
- The legal guardian must sign if the applicant has one. If there's more than one guardian, the "guardian of the person" decides which guardian will sign. When the customer has a "limited" or "temporary" guardian, the customer should sign the application. The "limited" or "temporary" guardian may sign the application as an interested party acting on the customer's behalf.
- If there's no legal guardian and an applicant is unable to sign the application for physical or mental reasons, death, or age, a responsible person may represent them and sign.
- When application is made for a child under 18 years old, the application must be signed by:
- an individual with whom the child lives who intends to claim the child as a tax dependent, or
- the child's caretaker relative with whom the child lives. Note: When a child lives with a parent, that parent shall be designated as the caretaker relative.
- If the child does not live with a caretaker relative or tax filer who is claiming the child, the application may be signed by:
- the child's guardian,
- an individual who is acting responsibly on behalf of the child, or
- the child.
- A pregnant woman may apply on her own behalf.
- For customers under age 18 who reside in a DHS - OMH/DDD facility, parents or legal guardians must sign the application. The application can be signed by an interested person if there is no parent or legal guardian. To conclude that there are no parents:
- the parents' identity must be unknown; or
- the parents must have been legally declared incompetent; or
- attempts to locate the parents have been unsuccessful.
Eligibility does not exist if the parents are competent and are unwilling to apply for medical benefits.
Programs that use MAGI Methodology
In addition to the above, the following policy applies to medical programs that use the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) budgeting methodology.
- A tax filer or other adult who is included in the tax filer's tax household may apply and sign an application on behalf of:
- their spouse who they live with, and
- the individuals who are included in the tax filer's household, regardless of the tax filer's or tax dependents' age or relationship to the person who is signing the application.
- Adults may apply and sign an application on behalf of their spouse who they live with, or
- their partner if the partners have children in common.
See PM/WAG 15-06-01-f for guidance on MAGI Budgeting.
Signature for Individuals Aged Nineteen
Workers must review the relationship and tax dependent/filing status for each requestor when unmarried adults apply for medical coverage on the same application.
See WAG 02-04-03 for an example.
A Redetermination form is sent two months prior to an individual aging out (turns 19 years of age) of an All Kids Program. When the individual is due for redetermination, a 643A '19 Year Old Aging Out of All Kids Medical Benefits' form is sent to the household along with a redetermination form for the other individuals on the case (when their certification periods are aligned). The notice informs the 19 year old that they will no longer qualify for All Kids coverage and if they would like to be reviewed for eligibility on their own case, they must complete, sign and return the 643A or apply on ABE (or other acceptable methods). Parents may include their 19 year old child on their redetermination form if they are being claimed as a tax dependent.
See WAG 02-04-03 for an example.