WAG 01-07-12-a: Cash Benefits

PM 01-07-12-a.

  1. (FCRC) Code Form 552 to authorize a payment due to an appeal decision, as follows:
    Item 1 Complete.
    Item 2 Enter first month and year for which payment is requested. When using TA 55, enter month and year of benefit payment being replaced (use a separate Form 552 for each month for which benefits are being replaced).
    Item 3 Enter the correct TA. When reissuing a benefit payment which was voided, lost, stolen, or not received, enter TA 55. Attach a signed and completed Stop Payment and Recovery Agreement (Form 98) when you reissue a check upon which a stop payment order is issued. TA 55, when used for payments due to appeal decisions, requires entries in Items 40 and 80.
    Item 4 Enter a 2.
    Items 5-6 Complete.
    Items 8-10 Complete.
    Item 28 Complete for GA.
    Item 33 Complete.
    Item 37 Complete for TANF.
    Item 38 Enter total amount of payment being requested. This amount must be the same as the amount in Item 80.
    REMARKS Enter appeal number located in right-hand corner of first page of Appeal Decision. Enter months covered by appeal payment and the number of Forms 552 used to authorize payment.
    Item 40 Complete only when using TA 55. Enter the payment number, if available, the date and the amount of the payment being replaced.
    Items 60-74 For TANFtext deleted, complete when using TA 34.
    Item 77 Complete only when using TA 55.
    Item 80 Enter code 150 (Appeal Decision Implementation) and amount.

  2. (Appeals Coordinator) Prepares Appeal/Pre-Hearing Implementation Request (Form 1693) as a cover for all Forms 552 used to implement the decision due to the following actions:
    • authorizations of appeal payments for months for which the case was inactive and for which the case cannot be registered;
    • authorization of appeal payments for months when the case was active on the payroll of another Family Community Resource Center; or
    • authorization of Transportation or Child Care to attend an Appeal Hearing (code 155) for an inactive (i.e., denied, pending, or canceled) cash case.
  3. (Appeals Coordinator) Forward Form 552 to the Financial Unit, with the exception of TA 55. Forward a Form 552 with TA 55 to the Warrant Unit.
  4. (Appeals Coordinator) File a copy of Form 552 in the case record. Retain the original in the financial folder or forward the original, under cover of Form 1693, to the Exception Processing Unit.