WAG 01-06-05: Notice of Overpayment

PM 01-06-05.

New Manual MaterialIES Phase 2 Process

  1. (FCRC) Runs eligibility in IES.
  2. (IES) Displays a Discrepancy Details page after the the Eligibility Summary Page is completed.
  3. (FCRC) Case worker completes the Discrepancy Details page (and the subsequent CASH Details and SNAP Details pages) and confirms the overpayment information should be referred to the Bureau of Collections (BOC).
  4. (BOC) Completes Second Party Authorization and sends the claim to Accounts Receivable System (ARS).
  5. (IES) Sends the information to the ARS for processing by the BOC.
  6. (IES) Form IL444-2404X Notice of Overpayment is triggered and sent to the client once the overpayment is processed by the BOC.
  7. (BOC) A copy of Form IL444-2404X Notice of Overpayment is placed in the client's Electronic Case Record.
  8. (FCRC) Form IL444-2404C Change of Overpayment Information and IL444-2404X Notice of Overpayment is used to update a previously reported overpayment.

 NOTE: Form 2404C cannot be processed through IES; it must be sent to the BOC.   Send Form 2404C and 2404X to the BOC.

Changed Manual MaterialLegacy System Process (ACM and IPACS)

  1. Complete Referral of Overpayment (Form 2404) and Notice of Overpayment (Form 2404X) when a decision has been made to report that a unit received an overpayment.
    1. Enter Form 2404 and Form 2404X in ACM, or forward to BOC.

      NOTE: Form 2404X is centrally sent for overpayments reported through ACM

  2. If Change of Overpayment Information (Form 2404C) is used to update a previously reported overpayment, manually prepare and send the client Form 2404X.

    NOTE: Form 2404C cannot be processed through ACM; it must be sent to BOC.

  3. Send Form 2404C and copy of Form 2404X to BOC, 10 days after client is manually sent Form 2404X.