PM 01-01-06-d: Mediator Actions

WAG 01-01-06-d.

When a formal review of the grievance indicates no finding of merit, the mediator takes the grievance and notifies the client in writing within 10 workdays. The client has the right to appeal this finding.

When a formal review indicates a finding of merit, the mediator registers the grievance and sends a copy to the employee against whom the grievance was made. Within 10 days of the receipt of the grievance, the mediator arranges an informal conference between the:

  • grievant and/or their representative, if there is one;
  • employee against whom the grievance was made and their representative, if the employee designates one; and
  • the mediator.

Within 15 calendar days after the conference, the mediator advises the client in writing of the finding and any action being taken on the client's behalf. The mediator does not inform the client about any disciplinary action against the employee.