Report Fraud, Abuse or Neglect

Persons with Mental Illness or Developmental Disability Hotline: 1-800-368-1463

To report abuse/neglect of persons with a mental illness or a developmental disability at a DHS-operated facility, call the OIG 24-hour Hotline: 1-800-368-1463 Voice/TTY.

All other calls will be referred to the IDHS Customer Help Line:
1-800-843-6154 / 1-866-324-5553 TTY

Si usted sospecha que un individuo discapacitado ha sido abusado, descuidado o estafado económicamente, repórtelo a la Oficina del Inspector General del DHS al: 1-800-368-1463 Voz/TTY.

Todas las otras llamadas serán transferidas a la Línea de Ayuda para Clientes:
1-800-843-6154 español / 1-866-324-5553 TTY

Allegations of Fraud, Abuse or Neglect

For allegations of fraud, abuse/neglect of individuals, please use the contact information below. 

DHS Local Office Staff Office of the Executive Inspector General Online Complaint
Domestic Violence Help Line Call toll free, Confidential, 24 Hour, Multilingual
1-877-863-6338 (Voice)
1-877-863-6339 (TTY)
Education of a Child
with Learning Disability
State Board of Education Problem Resolution Line
1-800-262-6663 (Voice)
1-217-782-1900 (TTY)
Elder Abuse
(not in a Nursing Home)
Elder Abuse 24-Hour Hotline
1-866-800-1409 (Voice)
1-888-206-1327 (TTY)
Abuse/Neglect of a Person with a Mental Illness
or Developmental Disability in a Domestic Setting
Adult Protective Services at 1-866-800-1409
Health Professionals Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Online Complaint
Hospitals or Nursing Homes Illinois Department of Public Health: Nursing Homes in Illinois
Human Rights Violation Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
1-866-274-8023 (Voice) 
(708) 338-7500 (outside Illinois)
Minors (children under 18) Department of Children and Family Services
1-800-252-2873 (Voice)
1-800-358-5117 (TTY)
1-217-524-2606 (outside Illinois)
National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) 1-888-373-7888
SNAP Fraud Unit
1-844-453-7283 (Voice)/1-844-ILFRAUD (TTY)
Mailing Address: 600 E Ash St., Bldg. 500, 5th Floor
Springfield, IL 62703