October 19, 2018 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


October 19, 2018
8:00am to 1:00pm


Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus
2815 Jorie Blvd.
Oak Brook, IL


  1. Call to order/Roll call
  2. DHS updates
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. FY19 update
    1. Expenditures/commitments/number served
    2. ICOY Redeploy Focused update
    3. AOIC Redeploy Focused update
  5. ICOY training request
  6. Approval of site visit final reports (1st Circuit, 4th Circuit, and Macon County)
  7. JRA (OYAS)/YASI update
  8. Data Work Group update and decisions
    1. System and individual outcomes
    2. Redeploy Guidebook 
  9. Redeploy Program evaluation
    1. Review of prior evaluations
    2. New evaluation: discussion/decision/funding
  10. Redeploy expansion planning
  11. Community Planning Grant Committee update/decisions
  12. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • 4th Circuit Juvenile Justice Council Conference, Tuesday, November 13th, 2018, Effingham
  • Executive Staff meeting: Friday, November 16th, 2018
  • RIOB Full Board Meeting: Friday, December 14th, 2018

Meeting minutes

  1. Call to Order:
    The meeting was called to order at 8:40 am.
    Roll Call:
    Peter Perry, Betsy Clarke, Karrie Rueter, Anne Studzinski, Paula Wolff, Rick Velasquez, Pam Rodriguez, Tracy Senica, Sarah Ogeto, Samantha Gaddy, Mary Ann Dyar.
    Staff and Guests: Erica Hughes, Olivia Wilks, Berenice Villalobos, Jim McCarter, Quinn Rallins, Megan Alderden.
  2. DHS Updates:
    There is a need to fill the position vacated by Kristen Marshall. Applications are currently being taken to address filling her role.
  3. Approval of Minutes:
    Motion: Samantha Gaddy motioned to approve the minutes from the August 18, 2018 meeting. Paula Wolff seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the minutes from the August 18th, 2018 meeting.
  4. FY19 update:
    Montgomery County has yet to spend any money because they are struggling to get referrals into the program. Erica will visit the 4th Circuit on November 13th, 2018 to help reintroduce the program to local stakeholders. Peter Perry, Samantha Gaddy, and Erica Hughes will attend this meeting. This is a county where key stakeholders have forgotten about the Redeploy program, so DHS staff will help re-educate.
    The Board asked Erica to summarize what discharge information looks like. Paula asked to improve the connection between the data staff is collecting with the recommendations provided to each site.
    Regarding Redeploy Focused, staff reported that Lindsey LaPointe and other staff of Business and Professional People for the Public Interest (BPI) distributed the one-pager at the Illinois Probation and Court Services Association meeting and suggested that Olivia reach out to Rich to see how to make the one-pager more useful. The Board suggested that it would be helpful to have Rich prepare a written handout and update on AOIC's Redeploy Focused efforts. DHS staff indicated they would share this handout with Betsy and Judge Timberlake to share it to the public defender list serve as well as judicial education.
  5. ICOY Training Request:
    Olivia reported that ICOY appears to be underspending, but not all expenditures were reflected in this report. ICOY reported that Redeploy sites are interested in attending trainings on Wraparound services, WAIT, and active parenting. ICOY proposed to the Board that they could reallocate spending from judicial consultation to training for the sites.
    The Board approved this reallocation without a motion.
  6. The Board discussed the site visit reports.
    Approval of site visit final reports (1st Circuit, 4th Circuit, and Macon County):
    Motion: Anne Studzinski motioned to approve the site visit reports. Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the site visit final reports.

  7. VII. JRA (OYAS)/YASI update:
    DHS staff reported that sites have indicated it has been a slow process to get the JRA implemented in Illinois. Peoria is the only site to be fully implementing it. This topic will be an ongoing agenda item in future site meetings.
  8. Data Work Group update and decisions:
    Quinn described the current work of the data group to Megan and the board. Currently, the data work group has determined that Redeploy should use a Positive Youth Development/Justice Model to measure youth outcomes. The six key practice domains within this model include 1) work, 2) education, 3), relationships, 4) community, 5) health, and 6) creativity. The data work group analyzed the YASI assessment and matched questions from this assessment to fit in the positive youth development domains as this information is already tracked in the eCornerstone system.
    The Board discussed that the Redeploy guidebook will become a manual. The Board indicated that providers should be consulted in its development. This user manual may ultimately assist in developing other products including marketing tools. Eventually a Redeploy 101 could be developed out of this manual.
  9. Redeploy Program evaluation:
    Karrie indicated that when the Redeploy program began, the initial focus of programming and evaluation was and continues measuring system change. Now it is time to measure the impact and effectiveness of Redeploy on youth. DHS staff indicated that it is critical to work with an evaluator in Illinois who has experience with the Redeploy program.
    The Board indicated that it would like to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of the program on our youth. The Board wants to learn more about the following information: a youth's duration in the program, entrance pathways of youth, recidivism, effectiveness of the program in rural vs urban settings. The Board intends to look at whether there is a common vision between the sites regarding their role.
    Mary Ann indicated that Adult Redeploy has participated in a process evaluation and one of the main findings was the importance of collaboration and team work within a site. Karrie suggested that much of the work done at intensive site visits provides information on process and that the Board would share site visit reports with the evaluators.
    Redeploy has attempted 3 prior evaluations, the first established a baseline to measure whether the Board was implementing a model consistent with the statute. There were two other evaluation attempts that failed in part because the evaluators were not knowledgeable about the juvenile justice system or the state of Illinois. In each evaluation effort, the RIOB has asked ICJIA to help shape the background and design of the evaluation and has depended on ICJIA to help find partner research agencies. Because ICJIA 1) has worked with the RIOB in the past, 2) runs and evaluates Adult Redeploy, 3) knows the juvenile justice system well, and 4) has access to system data and local juvenile justice stakeholders, the Board believes that ICJIA is the most qualified to lead an evaluation of the Redeploy program.
    Paula indicated that if the Board does a process evaluation, it may slow down progress on the outcomes evaluation, so it may be better to focus on an outcomes evaluation. Through this evaluation, the Board wants to look at information like where referrals are coming from; whether there is a difference between youth who enter the program who get put on probation and placed in Redeploy by a judge (judicial decision) as compared to youth who were already on probation and violated probation and are referred to the program by probation (probation decision).
    Quinn introduced Megan Alderdan, the Director of Research at ICJIA when she joined the meeting. The Board provided an update on Redeploy's evaluation history, indicating that no evaluation has been focused on tracking youth outcomes or positive youth outcomes. The Board indicated that it would like to determine whether youth in Redeploy were successful during and after the program and how the program impacted their likelihood for recidivism. Megan indicated that the first step for this evaluation would be for ICJIA to do a data audit. Because of the budget impasse, DHS reported that there will be less data for the years 2016 and 2017. ICJIA would need to address that in the findings.
    Prior to the next meeting, ICJIA will present an evaluation proposal of what the possibilities are of working with the data to meet Redeploy goals for the evaluation.
    Motion: Anne Studzinski motioned that the Redeploy Board should initiate a program evaluation on positive youth outcomes in the Redeploy Program. Paula Wolff seconded this motion. Mary Ann recused herself from this vote.
    Decision: The Redeploy Board approved the decision to initiate a program evaluation of the Redeploy program.
    Motion: Anne Studzinski motioned that Redeploy will approach ICJIA to conduct the evaluation because they are the only agency capable of doing this evaluation efficiently and effectively based on a landscape review of data accessibility and system and program knowledge. Paula Wolff seconded the motion. Mary Ann recused herself from the vote.
    Decision: The Redeploy Board approved approaching ICJIA to conduct a program evaluation of the Redeploy program.
  10. Redeploy expansion planning:
    Discussed under Community Planning Grant below.
  11. Community Planning Grant:
    The Board discussed the purpose of the community planning grant as to assist counties in Illinois to serve youth with the appropriate, available, local service. The Board also discussed that a goal of this grant should be to decrease detention. This discussion originated out of developing a clearer referral process for misdemeanant level offenses to CCBYS. The Board had indicated that it would be valuable to convene providers and coordinators including Redeploy, MHJJ, CCBYS, public defenders, and Juvenile Justice Councils to coordinate the use of these programs together. One Board member suggested utilizing criminal justice coordinating councils and the family violence coordinating councils as well. The Board's plan for the grant is to connect providers, to inform providers working with youth that are involved in the juvenile justice system of local resources. The Board indicated that it wants to create a 1-2-year grant for the collaboration between all of these entities.
    The Board discussed giving priority to current Redeploy providers by giving them extra money for this year and making them a part of the pilot program for the remainder of the year. In the second phase of the program, the Board would invite new providers to be a part of the grant. The Board indicated that it would plan to fund these providers even if probation is not willing to be a part of it.
    The Board discussed whether Redeploy is able to serve youth returning from DJJ because they are a population at risk of incarceration. The Board discussed that stable housing is a frequent reason for revocation but Redeploy has not historically funded residential placements because it is out of the home.
  12. Adjourn:
    The meeting was adjourned at 12:30pm.

The next meeting scheduled for November 16th, 2018, will be a full board meeting.