Dear IDHS/DMH Providers:
On September 6, 2017, the IDHS/DMH released a "Policy Statement on Language Supporting Personhood of Individuals with Mental Health Conditions." We have recently been advised that this has created some confusion on the part of providers of both DMH and DASA funded services, where the paths to the involvement of individuals in recovery in the provision of services has developed differently, and as a result, the use of the word "Peer" on the substance use services side is quite common.
We apologize for any unintended confusion that our communication has caused within the field of service providers. It is our intention to work jointly with IDHS/DASA on this issue and provide further guidance related to language in the future. At this time, providers using the word "peer" in job titles are not being directed by IDHS to change their practice.
Thank you,
Diana Knaebe
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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