PM 06-30-02
Eligible persons must be certified for benefits under the AATV program until IES is programmed with eligibility rules for the VTTC program. A non-citizen who does not qualify for another medical program is progressed to AATV when one of the following questions is answered on the Aliens Detail screen under 'Asylum Torture Victim Information':
- 'Yes' to 'Individual has a pending asylum application', or
- 'Yes' to 'Individual is receiving federally funded torture treatment services'.
To enroll a person for VTTC using the AATV screens, answer the questions in the following manner:
USCIS Status |
Response to Question |
Program |
Preparing to apply for T Visa, U Visa or Asylum |
'yes' to torture treatment question |
VTTC - add case notes |
Applied for T or U Visa |
'yes' to pending asylum application question |
VTTC - add case notes |
Applied for Asylum status |
'yes' to pending asylum application question |
AATV - if within eligibility period
VTTC - add case notes if maximum AATV eligibility has been reached per PM 06-21-04
When answering 'yes' to one of the above questions, the worker must select one of the verifications that relate to the AATV program. Since the VTTC verifications received will not match the verifications selected in IES, it is important to document in case notes that the person qualifies under the VTTC program.
In IES, a person receiving AATV benefits appears to be in an AABD medical EDG with an AATV indicator (that is, the EDG Summary screen shows the 'Special Approval Type' is 'Asylum Torture Victim'). A person who qualifies for VTTC will appear in IES the same way.
Note: The only way we can identify that a person qualifies for medical benefits under VTTC rather than AATV is by viewing the IES case notes and supporting verifications. Persons enrolled in VTTC will have the same MANG P code "TV" in MMIS as AATV recipients. This MANG P code indicates that the person is enrolled in a state funded medical program.