July 20, 2017 - EEOPD Approved Minutes

EEOPD Task Force Meeting-July 20, 2017

  1. Call to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Quorum Established
  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes
    • Chair Lauren Burdette calls for the approval of both March and June minutes. Motion passes unanimously.
  1. Co-chair Vote
    • Maria Doughty and Teresa Garate both volunteer and present their qualifications. Chair calls for a vote - Maria and Teresa are appointed as co-chairs on a unanimous vote. As there is supposed to be just one citizen co-chair, Secretary of Education Beth Purvis will submit the names of the three present co-chairs to the appointments person.
  2. Prioritization of Subcommittee Recommendations
    • Provider (Kathy Carmody)
      Kathy Carmody and Lore Baker hosted a successful conference call with the subcommittee earlier which confirmed that a lot of work is underway.
    1. Implementation of WIOA
      • DRS has been providing career counseling which has garnered mixed reviews from representatives of community agencies - positive responses from some but for others it isn't so useful.
      • Alliance Training group has made training materials. MoUs are currently being developed between DRS and division, to be finalized next week, that would enable people in both worlds to have access to employment services.
  1. Customization and employment in IPS
    • Some state policy activity is holding up progress (waiver in CMS), thus this item is on hold for now.
  2. Develop successful employment model
    • High priority.
    • The division of employability quality committee *** is doing good work that we can use as a model.
  3. Establish status of workshop in October
    • There was some push back. Keeping this low priority for now.
  4. Expand use of IPS
    • On hold until CMS provides an update.
  5. Enhance communications providers' capacity for programming
    • This falls under the larger conference and programming. Considering a series of fall events and webinars.
    • The Quality Committee did many forums which are good examples to follow. We could target 3 areas: Chicago, Central

Workforce Development (Barry Taylor)

The group met over 5 strategies.

  1. Make sure implementation of WIOA is consistent with employment principles
  • Components of employment are being addressed.
  • DCEO and DRS have agreed to annotate the subcommittee's recommendations by August to identify parallel work and inform the subcommittee of where they are on each recommendation, then the subcommittee will review. DCEO and DRS agreed to reach out to other agencies the recommendations may concern.
  1. Develop strategies to make the state a model employer
    • Not much work done since strategizing due to the following;
      1. CMS responded negatively - said the testing process is not a good fit, too rigid. No good response at the staff level.
      2. Next step is to meet with the CMS director to get feedback and determine whether there is an interest in working together.
    • Kimberly Mercer-Schleider has submitted some recommendations requested by the Governor's office related to these issues. Unsure if it will gain traction.
    • Anna D'Ascenzo: During meeting, CMS and IDHR got rid of the summer intern program for people with disabilities, moving backwards instead of forwards on our recommendations. Anna's group had a meeting in response and developed an action plan. Kim has requested a meeting with the director of IDES to discuss this.
    • Lauren: Beth will set up a directors meeting to discuss
      1. long term strategies
      2. the summer internship program (Priority)

Kim says she will be happy to attend.

Aim to settle this by September.

  1. Resolve things inconsistent with employment standards
    • State Use Program
      1. CMS staff were not receptive
      2. Identified other states' practices
      3. Sheryl Janson has been working on getting a response. Target: August.
    • BEPD
      1. The council is receptive to outreach and involvement. They are not receptive to amending the statutes.
      2. Determine the director's perspective. Is there any interest in collaboration? So far, negative response.
      3. Lauren: We should find allies to change the statute regardless of CMS. Brief discussion on who.
        1. This year Sen. McCann had some legislation that would support. Passed the senate, not the house. Could move, it would create positions for people with disabilities.
        2. There was another bill that would require state contractors to make at least $16.36 an hour. It didn't pass but somebody could pick it up and be an ally.
        3. Lots of members hold BEPD in high regard. A possible route to find advocates.
  2. Make sure that Web information, particularly on employment, is accessible to people with disabilities
    • People are welcoming of this item.
    • Accessibility Act - there is a workgroup working on this. They published updated standards which go into effect January 2018. Someone in the subcommittee is also in this work group and agreed to monthly check ins.
  3. Training protocol on Employment First employees
    • Moving, but under DHS and Employment First.
    • How would this protocol interface with CMS training protocol?
      1. Identify who in CMS oversees schedules.
      2. Do people use the webinar they have?
      3. Find out what resources already exist.
    • Brief discussion on people with disabilities not working because their parents are scared. Barry: Recommendations don't mention shutting down sheltered workshop programs, but if we want other things as options we must collaborate with people.
    • Brief discussion on who to reach out to in DC.

Transition Group

A bit behind on progress as they are undergoing a transition in leadership.

  • Currently revamping email list.
  • Trying to convene group in the next couple of weeks.
  • Priority: Rejuvenation of the Interagency Council. This was also on Kim's list of recommendations requested by the Governor's Office.
  • There are two people from ISBE who will join the group.
  • Trying to get the same version of the last report for all group members to look at.
  • Brief discussion on how special needs advocacy is low in the implementation of ESSA. The state plan tracks people who exit IEP as separate achievement, same way as with ELL. Currently waiting for the Department of Education to provide feedback on a draft submitted to them in April to revise the plan.

Employer Group

Priority: To get new members. Will provide an update next meeting.

  • Lauren: Getting more members should be a priority for all groups. Any interested parties are welcome to join.
  1. Legislative Outreach Subcommittee Updates (Kathy)
    • Committee convened around considered preparing a report to the GA, separate from the annual EEOPD report.
    • Decided to develop monthly one-pager information sheets to share with people in administrative positions in the *** department.
  1. Legislation Update (Phil Milsk)
    • Special needs committee chair might reach out.
    • Budget implementation: Wage increase by 75 cents an hour and increase corresponding to it.
    • Personal needs allowance for people who are Medicaid eligible raised to $60 a month.
  1. New Business
    • Chicagoland Business Leadership Network Summit
      • Good opportunity to recruit new members, show high level recommendations and to educate employers on resources and supports for successful employment of people with disabilities, particularly filling gap at the conference of non-physical disabilities.
      • Unanimous agreement to submit a proposal to the conference. Co-chairs Maria and Teresa will work on this.
      • Unanimous agreement to attend and get a table at the conference. Set up a booth for recruitment. Anna will look into getting funding for this.
    • Chicago
      • They also have a task force for employment of people with disabilities, we should be involved.
      • Barry and Kim are on it.
  • Bill on Transfer of Administrative Support from DES to DHS
    • Bill passed with no opposition.
    • had questions. We have been in conversation with them.
  1. Date established for next meeting: Thursday, September 7, 2017
  2. Meeting adjourned