November 19, 2015 - EEOPD Approved Minutes

Thursday, November 19, 2015
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


100 W. Randolph5th Floor, Murdock Conf. Rm (5-300)
DRS Offices
Chicago, Illinois


Harris Bldg.
100 S. Grand Avenue East
2nd Fl. - MIS 2B Video
Springfield, Illinois

Meeting Minutes

Present in person:

Matt Hillen (DOC), Margaret Harkness, (ICDD), Sharon Slover (The Menta Group), Tom Frederick (Elm City Center), Daryl Jackson (DHS/DDD), Francisco Alvarado (DHS/DRS), Elana Weinstein (Asian Human Services), Sara Shaw (Governor's Office), Tere Garate (Anister Center & ICCB), Kathy Carmody (Institute on Public Policy), Melissa Picciola (Equip for Equality), Barry Taylor (Equip for Equality), Stanislav Volkhovsky (DES), Caroline Alamillo (DES), Doug Morton (DHS/DRS), Sarah Myerscough-Mueller (DHS).

Present via Tele-conference video Springfield:

Robin Jones (Co-Chair), Susan Allen (DHR),

Present via phone:

Sue Walter (ISBE), Crystal Caison (DES), Alan, Tom, Rene Luna (Access Living), Terry, Mark G. Winfield T.

Quorum Established by Robin Jones.

Robin Jones (Jones) discussed that we have a new co-chair not present, Niketa Brar, Governor's representative. Jones fully briefed her on where we are and what we are doing. Jones has not received a response to the extension requested back on June 30, 2015, this is in discussion with Niketa Brar.

RJ discussed the next proposed meeting on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 for whole day meeting from 10:30AM to 4:00PM to allow travel to Springfield.

Sarah Myerscough-Mueller (SMM) discussed that DHS applied for First Core and it was not granted. Provide training to expand employment structures, requests for providers -pilot programs. Continuing to work with 4 agencies. RJ said that would be running parallel with us.

Matt Hillen discussed Disability Initiatives for targeted Projects, develop hybred pilot in targeted areas. Expanding disclosures to ADA categories.

Matt Hillen and Doug Morton discussed WIOA planning meetings in early December to be rolled out. Doug discussed the plan incorporated into VR Services is online surveys for 3 to 4 weeks. Integrated data with DRS and DCEO, no funding yet.

Katherine Burson discussed SAMSA that the deliverables have been met for the grant and is developing proposals to modify, shape to various work groups. Will have something for the next meeting.

Barry Taylor and Melissa Picciola distributed several handout regarding Components of WIOA and Proposed Regulations to be included in Illinois' Employment First Strategic Plan. Five Activities were discussed. Request that information is confidential and to return all handouts after the meeting. They discussed all components of the draft. Request for feedback from persons on the taskforce was made. A discussion ensued about the components. Margaret Harkness discussed that rewording needs to be made. Discussion of where do we want to go with that to include all students regarding person centered planning in High School. Need feedback. Katherine Burson will provide information to Sharon Slover to help shape this.

Discussion from workgroup updates:

Provider group: Tere Garate discussed their last meeting was in the spring. Budget end of it has lots of issues and will move forward when budget gets approved.

Transition Plan: Sharon Slover discussed that members needed due to staff support retired.

Caroline Alamillo gave administrative update regarding persons who did not turn in Ethics remaining have never attended meetings.

Motion to adjourn.

Seconded by .