June 29, 2016
10:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
100 W Randolph Harris I
5th Floor, Murdock Conf. Rm (5-300)
DRS Offices MIS 2A Conference Room
Chicago, Illinois
Harris I
100 S. Grand Avenue East
MIS 2A Conference Room
Meeting Minutes
Present in person in Chicago: Anna D'Ascenzo (IDES), Niketa Brar (GO/Chair), Tonya Morawiec (DHS), Barry Taylor (Equip for Equality), Benro Ogunyipe (Member), Matt Hillen (IDCEO), Jae Jin Pak (Member), Phil Milsk (Member), Sandy Ryan (ICDD), Kathy Carmody (Member), Tere Garate (Member), Maria Doughty (Member), Paul Baffico (Member) and Brittany Dowell (Member).
Present in person in Springfield: Dale Morrissey (Member), Doug Morton (DRS), Cyrus Winnett (IARF), Susan Fonfa (IHFS) and Lore Baker (DHS).
Present on phone: Robin Jones (Co-Chair), Kris Smith (DRS), Cheryl Jackson (Equip for Equality), Tom Frederick, Rene Luna (Member), Lynn Canfield (Public) and Susie Woods (ITAP).
Niketa Brar (NB) called the taskforce meeting to order. She established a quorum and people present made introductions. Next NB made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 2016 meeting. The meeting minutes were thereafter approved.
NB gave updates to the taskforce since the last time we met. RJ's also gave updates to the taskforce since the last meeting.
Next, Lore Baker (LB) gave an update on the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) Employment First Core State and Vision Quest Projects. LB discussed selecting 5 agencies as the subject matter experts to help them look at making providers better. She mentioned Aunt Martha's, Conerstone Services, Envision Unlimited and Trinity Services. LB said they were working on internal capacity building and that she is still working with Lisa Mills on building bridges and enhancements where they need them.
TM next discussed posting the workgroup activities to the public website for the comment period. TM discussed some of the comments she received about the activities thus far. Everyone agreed that she would post all of the subgroup activities for another 30 day to make sure that everyone had a chance to make comments. There was a miscommunication and the Employer subgroup's activities were not posted. Therefore the extra 30 days would give time for additional comments on the other subgroups and give the Employer subgroup time to post their activities. People agreed that with the new posting that everything should be done by September 2016.
BT commented regarding the need for CMS involvement. To date no one from CMS has attended the meetings. Members agreed that CMS needed to be involved and discussed who possible liaisons could be.
Next a discussion was led by PM regarding whether the taskforce needed a 7th subgroup in charge of Policy. Members discussed whether there needed to be a new group and it was decided that no each subgroup would just discuss policy within each of the already existing subgroups. Also discussed that the subgroup leaders could gather to talk about Policy instead of creating a 7th subgroup.
Next the leaders of each subgroup gave updates. First, LB and Kathy Carmody (KC) gave an update on the Provider subgroup. Then Barry Taylor (BT) and Doug Morton (DM) gave any updates on the Workforce subgroup. Next Phil Milsk (PM) gave updates on the Transition subgroup. Lastly, Maria Doughty spoke on behalf of the Employer subgroup.
Next Matt Hillen (MH) and DM gave the taskforce an update on the DCEO Disability initiatives. He also spoke about WIOA updates, activities and deadlines.
Katherine Burson was not present and therefore there were no SAMSA Grant updates discussed.
PM then gave an update on legislation that affects Employment First. There was a lengthy discussion about SB 2610 being passed in both chambers that would have devastating financial implications if signed by the governor. Members of the taskforce voiced their opinions opposing the bill. They discussed all of the cons to the bill including the financial burden on the State if the bill was signed into law.
Next TM discussed the Employment First Logo. Several Members discussed their preference and whether something about people with disabilities needed to be added to the logo.
Next a small discussion on 14c USDOL subminimum wage certificates was had. The taskforce tabled this discussion for the next meeting as the meeting was coming to a close.